Resolute Square

Punching Up - Putting Out The Fires

Punching Up with Maya May

Published:January 16, 2025
Prepare to be inspired! The MAGA response to the California fires reinforces a really hard truth - we're going to have to save ourselves. They want to argue about bathrooms and genders and debate how many rounds can fit in a standard issue magazine. But they are not here to solve real problems. Tonight, Maya welcomed Alfredo Morales - and we are all better for it. Alfredo fought fires in California for two years while incarcerated. His work - and the work of some 3,000 other inmates involved in California fire suppression each year - saves countless lives and huge swaths of land and property. In a world where the powerful spend their time placing blame and sucking up as much wealth as possible, it’s Americans like us - and Alfredo - who are going to have to step into the breach and solve problems.
