Resolute Square

Strategy Session

Our live members-only interactive weekly strategy session where our strategists pull the back off the political strategy machine and show you what's really inside. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM ET.
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Trump's Fear Of Premature Incarceration
Trump just keeps court. With a trial date in March '24, two YEARS sooner than he wanted, his fears of premature incarceration (before he can pardon himself) are growing. And boundaries are forming on the map of '24, and it's shaping up to be one hell of a weird / bad / consequential / violent / impossibly important year for our democracy. Join Rick, Stuart, and Joe with special guest Jeff Timmer for your weekly forecast.
August 29, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Debate Prep with Rick, Reed, Stuart, & Joe
The first GOP debate is on and the star is sure to be the elephant not in the room, Donald Trump. Reed, Rick, and Stuart took the lid off the good, bad, ridiculous, and traumatic of decades of debate prep, including for multiple POTUS candidates.
August 22, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Aug. 15, 2023
It's Trump's fourth set of indictments this year, but it is still anything but normal. Rick, Joe, Reed, and Stuart break down what happened, who they left out, and Trump's strategy of defiance.
August 15, 2023
Strategy Session: August 8, 2023
The guys were joined by special guest David Pepper for a fantastic election night show to talk about the OH GOP's abomination - Article 1 - that would strip majority rule from the people of Ohio. David's showing how you get it done on the state level - prepare to be inspired!
August 8, 2023
Strategy Session: The Dark Days Of Donald Trump
The team brought fire tonight in the aftermath of Trump's latest indictments - along with six co-conspirators. The stakes couldn't be higher for America; Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe pull back the curtain on those looking to end democracy.
August 1, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Pro-Slavery, Antisemitism, Voter Suppression: Must Be MAGA
The Right keeps moving the bar (or the Overton Window) on what defines going too far - a classic fascist tactic. Can any challenger take Trump out and does it even matter? Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe on this and more on the latest Strategy Session.
July 25, 2023
Strategy Session with Special Guest: Sen. Doug Jones
Former Alabama Democratic Senator Doug Jones joined The Strategy Session to discuss No Labels and the damage they could inflict on our democracy. And the Senator puts on his prosecutor's hat and talks Trump's latest target letter.
July 19, 2023
Strategy Session: The Smart Way To Fight Stupid
Pres. Biden & Tommy Tuberville offer a sharp contrast in priorities, leadership, and intellect between Dems and the MAGA GOP. Could these opposing styles, viewpoints, and competency give us a glimpse into the strategies of either side going into ‘24? How do you fight stupid? Reed, Rick, Stuart, and Joe have got the answers.
July 11, 2023
Strategy Session: Trump's See Tapes
Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe are talking Trump tapes, Wagner's march on Moscow, a SCOTUS ruling that's good for democracy (really!), and how the right has turned faith and freedom on their heads.
June 28, 2023
Strategy Session: RFK, Jr.: The Money And The Motives
Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is walking us all to the edge of a flat Earth, promising to push us into the abyss. Sadly - but not surprisingly - a lot of folks have volunteered to jump on his behalf. Strained analogy aside, what path does RFK Jr. see forward? What's really behind his run? Reed, Rick, Joe, and Stuart break down the past, present, and future of America's official Chief Conspiracist. Plus, famous Trump fighter...Bret Baier?
June 20, 2023
Strategy Session: Trump Arraigned (Again)
Trump has graduated from being arraigned on New York State charges related to hush money payments to a stripper to an arraignment on a 37-count federal grand jury indictment related to his (mis)handling of classified documents - including charges under the Espionage Act. Our strategists have thoughts.
June 13, 2023
The Strategy Session: Trump's Federal Indictment
The Federal Indictment of Trump is shocking in what it contains, but conviction is far from certain. So what does it mean politically for Trump, the GOP field, and is this a distraction for Dems or exactly what they need? Watch this special Indictment episode with Rick, Reed, and Stuart.
June 9, 2023
Strategy Session: The Challengers
What to make of the ever-expanding Republican presidential field? Magical thinking? Vying for Veep? Pure narcissism? Our strategists discuss the hopefuls, the hopeless, and the egomaniacal potential spoilers.
June 6, 2023

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Strategy Session


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Strategy Session: October 29, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Tuesday at 7 PM ET: Join Rick, Stuart, Joe, and special guests as they talk about everything from back room intrigue and behind the curtain strategy to the dos, don'ts, and lessons learned from decades of guiding candidates and campaigns. It's an unvarnished look at America's political machine, what makes it work, why it's broken down, and what needs to be done to get it back on track to saving democracy. Strategy Session, Tuesdays at 7 PM ET.

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Strategy Session: October 22, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Tuesday at 7 PM ET: Join Rick, Stuart, Joe, and special guests as they talk about everything from back room intrigue and behind the curtain strategy to the dos, don'ts, and lessons learned from decades of guiding candidates and campaigns. It's an unvarnished look at America's political machine, what makes it work, why it's broken down, and what needs to be done to get it back on track to saving democracy. Strategy Session, Tuesdays at 7 PM ET.

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