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That Trippi Show

Legendary Democratic campaign manager Joe Trippi skips the hot takes, outrage of the day, and viral tweets and breaks down how presidential and national politics work in 30 minutes or less. From Howard Dean's that reimagined modern presidential campaigns to the historic Senate victory of Doug Jones Senate over Roy Moore, Joe hasn't just seen it all - he's been in the thick of it. That Trippi Show answers the question that matter: How do Democrats win key races moving forward and save American democracy?
That Trippi Show
It's Not Just The Crazies, It's The Party Now
The Fox-lying texts exposure is hurting the right-wing outrage machine, but the GOP is still going from bad to worse. Joe explains why it's not the usual "move the Right" and why DeSantis' flip on Ukraine might be a huge blunder. Plus, Trump's "perfect call" in GA is back in the news and that's no good very bad news for Trump.
March 17, 2023
That Trippi Show
"Swirling Around The Dark Doom Drain"
Are FOX and ultra-MAGA collapsing? Is “candidate quality” going to bite the GOP in 2024…again? Are voters ready to end the MAGA GOP for good? Has Biden done enough? Listeners have questions, Joe and Alex have answers.
March 8, 2023
That Trippi Show
The Yuuuge Danger The GOP And Fox Are Facing
This week, Joe talks DeSantis' cringiness, why Trump going to war with Fox is good for America, the "yuuuge" danger Fox is facing, and what the media keeps getting wrong about the 2024 GOP primary and the absurdity of talking Biden "succession" plan when the guy's killin' it as POTUS!
March 4, 2023
That Trippi Show
How Fox Is Splitting Us Up
Guest Juliet Jeske of Decoding Fox News joins Joe to explain how Fox is dividing us and is even divided against itself. Is pushing the Right's lies and doing Putin's propaganda work for him all for the ratings? That's what the Dominion lawsuit showed.
February 24, 2023
That Trippi Show
"A Huge Reality Check"
Joe gives us all a reality check about the power of Trumpism and why Nikki Haley needs- to put it kindly - a whole lot of things to break her way to even be relevant. Joe and Alex also share the most insane question they've ever gotten - while wondering if it's from Trump himself.
February 17, 2023
That Trippi Show
A Controlled Experiment To Break The MAGA Fever
Does Biden have a black belt in political jiu-jitsu? Political columnist Greg Sargent says Biden's major accomplishments are blows to the MAGA grievance machine. Plus, why DeSantis' culture crusades could be his undoing - even in the GOP primary.
February 3, 2023
That Trippi Show
Rating Joe Biden Two Years In
Good news for Dems in '24? Yes, say Joe Trippi and Alex Shashlo. After two years in office, Biden's performance has been nothing short of remarkable. Major investments in infrastructure - in red states and blue, leading a multinational coalition against Putin's genocide in Ukraine, managing and rebuilding from a global pandemic, record jobs growth, and slowing inflation - quite a first 2 yrs. But Alex just had to say it - VP MTG? You can't avoid the crazy, but we can fight back.
January 27, 2023
That Trippi Show
How To Save Democracy With Mike Podhorzer
What really happened in the days after the 2020 election - and how did people across the political spectrum come together to save our democratic process? Mike Podhorzer joins Joe and Alex to talk about why building a pro-democracy coalition is crucial. Also - Why a massive media miss at the end of 2022 probably cost the Democrats the House.
January 20, 2023
That Trippi Show
They Want To Wreck The Government
The GOP should remember - when you start a forest fire, everything in it dies. Hear why Joe believes the House wildfire of chaos could lead to the GOP suffering severe electoral burns.
January 13, 2023
That Trippi Show
The Crazy Is Who They Are
Joe and Alex are back - but the House GOP isn't. The House GOP leadership fight continues - and why, even if a Speaker is chosen, the fight ain't ending anytime soon. And why this is all Trump playbook 101 - he isn't going anywhere. His election-denying protegees are now in full control of the House GOP. Plus - what President Biden is doing to capitalize on the chaos (hit, it's what he's always done) and why all this crazy has Joe's crystal ball fogging up.
January 6, 2023
That Trippi Show
The One Thing Democrats Need To Understand
A story out of the AP that has us all scratching our heads - why it matters that Gen Z so strongly supported Democrats and why we have to stamp down the false narrative that Democrats struggled with young voters. Why they think the Sinema defection is ultimately much ado about nothing. Is it a mistake for Sinema? And what it means for our party - what do Democrats everywhere need to understand? Why having someone who doesn't vote with Democrats 100% of the time is still critical to getting things done. And a reader question about how we can keep up the momentum in 2024.
December 16, 2022
That Trippi Show
Why MAGA's so freaked out by Gen Z, with Victor Shi
Georgia gave Herschel Walker the Heisman (Thanks, Dave Pell) -and youth voters were a big part of it. Joe and Alex break down the Georgia win and what it means with special guest Victor Shi - who's been hard at work organizing Gen Z and youth voters. What are they doing that has MAGA so freaked out? And no, Newt, it isn't just getting on TikTok. What's the path forward for Democrats to capitalize on their historic wins with Gen Z? Check out more of Victor's work @VictorShi2020 on Twitter.
December 9, 2022
That Trippi Show
"It will be hand-to-hand combat"
Another wild week in the GOP may have far-reaching consequences beyond just the hand-to-hand combat for speaker. Joe and Alex welcome back Trygve Olson to discuss why "don't negotiate with terrorists" may not apply to Kevin McCarthy, who may be the first hostage elected Speaker of the House in history (if he even makes it that far). And why the whole Trump-Fuentes-Ye fiasco might have bigger negative implications for voters than the larger media narrative assumes. Plus: Why we may have a bigger opportunity to drive people off of Trump and Trumpists coming into 2024. And why Joe actually quoted Newt Gingrich... praising Biden? Read Isaac Chotiner's piece in the New Yorker here:
December 2, 2022

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