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That Trippi Show
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Bipartisanship, The Party of QAnon, A Race We Need To Win Now

That Trippi Show

That Trippi Show

Published:February 5, 2021
First up this week, President Biden took a meeting with GOP Senators who want to compromise on the COVID relief package, but he seems to want to press forward with or without them. Who wins in the battle to look bipartisan — and is that what voters want?  Then, Marjorie Taylor Greene takes over our show as she has almost everything else, as Joe and Alex dig into the strategy behind the Republicans’ decision on whether to keep the freshman Congresswoman on the Education Committee. (We taped before a vote was finalized.) Furthermore, Democrats launched a $500k ad buy specifically tying House GOP members to QAnon… in February of 2021, about as far as possible away from the 2022 midterms. Does Joe like this new-look aggressive Democratic media strategy?  Plus, a new segment where Joe and Alex spotlight local races of great consequence begins this week -- there's a special election in the Virginia state legislature. Donate to Laurie Buchwald right here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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