Resolute Square

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Culture War
Culture Wars: Why Democrats Should Run Towards The Sound Of Gunfire
GOP attacks on education, marriage equality, LGBTQ children, abortion rights, and thinly veiled (and blatant) racism put them outside the mainstream and on the wrong side of the majority of Americans on cultural issues and the future.
February 8, 2023
Victor Shi Interview
The Gen Z Response To The State Of The Union
The youngest generation of voters has made its feelings about the GOP clear at the ballot box: They're not fans. But how do they feel about the State of the Union after Joe Biden's first two years, and do they want four more?
February 8, 2023
Ukrainian Wedding
Perseverance Over Appeasement
Trump abdicated American leadership, so Putin thought he could roll into Kyiv and Ukraine would roll over. He grossly misjudged the fortitude of Ukrainians and of America under Joe Biden's leadership.
February 8, 2023
Desantis Signs Don't Say Gay Bill
Ron DeSantis's Dystopian Vision For America's Youth
DeSantis seeks to prevent kids from developing the empathy that would lead them down the path of civil rights activists in the US and anti-authoritarian resisters everywhere.
February 8, 2023
Unite The Right Rally
Young, Armed, And Prepared To Defend Their Egos
We as a society must honestly ask ourselves how we deal with the danger of a generation of lost men infatuated with violence and lacking the judgment to know when to use it, who are being actively recruited to commit violence against fellow citizens.
February 8, 2023
Rhetorical Tricks compact
How To Save Democracy: Weirdify Fascism
Fascists want to control what we talk about and how we think about it. To save democracy, we have to weirdify what fascists desperately want to make normal.
February 8, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
GOP's Relationship With Whacky
To many, it seems the GOP has gone off the deep end. Mother Jones' DC Bureau Chief, David Corn, argues the escalation to crazy has been happening for many years and brings the receipts. And, Rick looks to his home state of Florida for this episode's addition to The Enemies List.
February 8, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
It's Going To Be A Grim Two Years
Rumors and scenarios are swirling about the 2024 GOP primary. Charles Sykes joins Rick to talk about how ugly this race could become. From Trump running to how well Ron Desantis can take a punch, Rick and Charles cover a lot of ground.
February 6, 2023
The Power Of Disinformation
Wannabe "Strongmen" have been using disinformation to create legends about themselves and deceive the masses for as long as there have been unscrupulous, power-mad people - in other words, forever. That makes the current ones no less dangerous.
February 5, 2023
That Trippi Show
A Controlled Experiment To Break The MAGA Fever
Does Biden have a black belt in political jiu-jitsu? Political columnist Greg Sargent says Biden's major accomplishments are blows to the MAGA grievance machine. Plus, why DeSantis' culture crusades could be his undoing - even in the GOP primary.
February 3, 2023
GOP Is Bragging About Successful Voter Suppression
The GOP is kicking off Black History Month by trying to repeat a shameful, undemocratic, racist part of that American history. Small wonder they don't want Black History taught in our schools.
February 2, 2023
Media Mistakes Are Endangering Democracy
The media still underestimate Biden and their own role In fueling MAGA. Joe Trippi writes that the problem of what the media misses is almost as bad for democracy as what it reports.
February 2, 2023
Reporters in Ukraine
The Free Press: Essential In War And Peace
From an abandoned building near the front line, journalist-turned-war-medic Sarah Ashton Cirillo writes of another group of heroes in Ukraine's fight for freedom: Members of the free press.
February 2, 2023
Near Brawl During Speakership Fight
The Only Option For Democracy
McCarthy's House of Chaos, election denialism, total dysfunction, and utter disregard for promises made to or in the best interest of the American people disqualify the Republican party as an option for a functioning democracy.
February 2, 2023
Defunding The Disinformation Economy
Turns out advertisers don't like their brands associated with funding the rantings of depraved, racist, homophobic anti-Semites. Thanks to Check My Ads, the money is drying up.
February 2, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
The Russian Media Propaganda Machine
Russian media is propaganda. Full stop. Russia expert Julia Davis created and operates the Russian Media Monitor and joins Rick to discuss Russian media's Ukraine invasion propaganda and Russia's meddling in the US Elections. And Rick has a very heartfelt message for this episode's entry on The Enemies List.
February 1, 2023
What Don Will Do To Ron
ICYMI: Tonight's show was FIRE!! The guys talk about the food and freak fight of the Republican primary and it doesn't end well for Ron.
January 31, 2023
Wagner Group mercenaries
US Names Russian Mercenary Group A Transnational Criminal Organization
Despite the mythos being built around both Wagner on the ground in Ukraine, Ukrainians and the US understand the group for what it is: a terrorist gang.
January 30, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
Lifestyles Of The Rich And Powerful
Former Fed. Prosecutor Elie Honig joins Rick to talk about investigations into Trump, Biden and just about everything else in DC right now. They also discuss the big DOJ decisions coming, and Honig's new book, "Untouchable: How Powerful People Get Away With It." And hear Rick at his finest slamming the latest name onto the Enemies List.
January 30, 2023
John Eastman Witch Hunt
John Eastman’s “It’s A Political Witch Hunt” Defense
Facing disbarment, Eastman seems poised to plead to "stupidity" and claim "witch hunt." But the California State Bar is unlikely to view stupidity as a valid reason to allow him to continue practicing law.
January 29, 2023