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That Trippi Show
The Yuuuge Danger The GOP And Fox Are Facing
This week, Joe talks DeSantis' cringiness, why Trump going to war with Fox is good for America, the "yuuuge" danger Fox is facing, and what the media keeps getting wrong about the 2024 GOP primary and the absurdity of talking Biden "succession" plan when the guy's killin' it as POTUS!
March 4, 2023
Biden with Olivia Rodrigo
Don't Ignore The Key To Dem Wins In 2024: Young Voters
Two years into office, President Biden has strong support from young voters. But Victor Shi writes there is work to build passion and mobilize the largest eligible voting base for 2024.
March 2, 2023
Kyiv Before And After Putin's Invasion
Ukraine Withstood Putin’s Winter Of Terror, Now It Must Win The War
A year after its application to join the EU, Ukraine has proven its leadership in defending democracy and the principles of the EU stands. Sarah Ashton-Cirillo writes that now is the time for membership and to give Ukraine the fighter jets needed to defeat Putin and protect Europe.
March 2, 2023
CPAC Is Coming To Tell Us America Sucks
Rick and Stuart discuss the cowardice of Ron DeSantis, MAGA as the America Sucks Party, and how CPAC has gone from fringe to frightening.
March 2, 2023
War On The Courts
State Supreme Courts are a target of the Right. They've succeeded in packing them with cronies in Ohio and North Carolina. Next target: Wisconsin in April.
March 1, 2023
DeSantis maybe dancing
The Impending Threat of DeSantis
Yes, DeSantis is a little dumpy and seems pretty dimwitted, but he's also dangerous and the perfect malleable vessel for the GOP writes Amee Vanderpool.
March 1, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
The Hidden Mysteries Of Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley 2024? Ha! Haley has received much-deserved scrutiny, some of the toughest from digital strategist Kaivan Shroff, Senior Advisor at the Institute For Education. Kaivan and Rick get into why Nikki will never be president. And one year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Rick has a message for Putin and the GOP. Of course, Rick also has a new name on the Enemies List - someone who could be one of the most dangerous people in America.
March 1, 2023
Burn The Boats
Burn the Boats with Ken Harbaugh
Latest Burn the Boats podcast with Ken Harbaugh.
February 28, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
The Danger And Conspiracy Theories That Are QAnon
Will Sommer joins Rick to talk about QAnon's infiltration of the GOP and his new book, "Trust The Plan." And in his first "Week That Was" segment, Rick gives his take on Ukraine, Ohio, and more.
February 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall_Brown v Board of Education
He Changed The Face Of America
Every day, we see examples around the country of why teaching and studying Black History in our schools is essential and efforts to prevent that from happening. Teri Kanefield shares some of what she learned while researching the biography of Thurgood Marshall, reminding all of us that our need to learn and better understand doesn't end.
February 27, 2023
Biden w/Ukrainian Refugees
Ukraine Is Still Fighting. Americans Need To Do Their Part
Ukraine and an international alliance led by Biden are doing their part to defeat Putin, but the fight is threatened by the Right's sympathizers within the U.S. Victor Shi reminds us that democracy's survival hinges on winning the battles in which we all must engage.
February 24, 2023
GOP Is Putin's Party
Today's GOP: Fetishizing Fascism
Biden's visit to Kyiv and his bold rallying of NATO and European allies this week was a high point in post-Cold War American foreign policy. He understood the stakes, the risks, the rhetoric, and the optics of the moment.
February 24, 2023
Ukrainian Soldiers in car
Fight Like A Ukrainian
Ukrainians fight and die – with guns, bullets, and missiles. We fight with words and political campaigns. If they lose their fight, we’ll lose ours. If we lose our battle, we’ll end up fighting as they do.
February 24, 2023
That Trippi Show
How Fox Is Splitting Us Up
Guest Juliet Jeske of Decoding Fox News joins Joe to explain how Fox is dividing us and is even divided against itself. Is pushing the Right's lies and doing Putin's propaganda work for him all for the ratings? That's what the Dominion lawsuit showed.
February 24, 2023
Dr. Rachel Kleinfeld: What Causes Political Violence?
Rachel is an expert on democracy, security, and international relations and regularly briefs the United States and allied democracies on issues of conflict, the rule of law, and policing and security sector reform. Her most recent book, A Savage Order, examines ‘why democracies are crippled by extreme violence and how they can regain security.’
February 23, 2023
Putin speaking before duma
A Game Of Who Said It: Putin Or MAGA Republican?
Can you tell the difference between what comes out of Putin's vile, lying mouth and DeSantis's, Ingraham's, Carlson's, or even Santorum's?
February 23, 2023
Don't Forget The Women Of Ukraine
Women comprise nearly one-fifth of the armed forces in Ukraine and more than half of the civilian forces. We owe the many triumphs of this war so far to those women.
February 23, 2023
Carlson on Russian State TV
Defeating Fascism: From "Yes, We Can" To “Now We Must.”
As Putin's fascist forces work to terrorize Ukraine, instead of finding condemnation, they find collaboration from America's right. We must combat fascism now, including the right's media propagandists like Tucker Carlson.
February 23, 2023
Rhetorical Tricks compact
Biden Weirdifies Putin’s War Propaganda
At every turn leading up to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin and his mouthpieces lied about their intentions and Biden and his team weirdified them.
February 23, 2023
Freedom Is Our Religion
This Is Not A Drill
On February 18, 2022, one week before Putin’s invasion, Joe Trippi tweeted the picture he had taken on Kyiv's Independence Square five years earlier and wrote, “Putin has no idea how hard the Ukrainian people will fight to remain free of him.” Ukrainians have proven him right every day since.
February 23, 2023