Resolute Square

Brian Daitzman

Leads The Intellectualist and is a Resolute Square Contributor

About Brian Daitzman

Brian Daitzman heads The Intellectualist. As a devoted student of history and politics for many years, he holds the conviction that history is prone to repetition when its lessons are ignored. The Intellectualist, a community committed to exploring the human experience, frequently shares insights on politics, science, the arts, and history.

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Clay Higgins’ Latest Outburst Is More Than Just Racist: It’s the Face of GOP’s White Nationalism
Brian Daitzman writes, "Clay Higgins is not an outlier within today’s Republican Party. His racist tirade and embrace of conspiracy theories are representative of a larger movement that has taken root within the GOP. "
September 30, 2024
Not Just the Worst President: Trump Is ‘Lord of the Flies’
Brian Daitzman writes, "Trump’s presidency wasn’t just a period of poor leadership—it brought with it a contagion of chaos and division, a swarm of misery that feasted on the carcass of what was once the Republican Party."
August 22, 2024
J.D. Vance: A Vice Presidential Candidate Hostile To American Interests
Brian Daitzman writes: "J.D. Vance's alignment with Hungary's authoritarian regime, indifference towards U.S. allies, and regressive social policies pose a significant threat to American strategic and domestic interests"
August 1, 2024
Trump Vs. United States: A Blueprint For Tyranny
Brian Daitzman writes: "By laundering unofficial acts through official channels, exploiting the presumption of immunity, using preemptive pardons, and retaliating against legal authorities, a president can evade prosecution and undermine democratic governance."
July 11, 2024
Bridging Realities: The Missed Opportunity of CNN's Debate
Brian Daitzman shines a light on CNN's failure to call out our post-reality world split: "The uncomfortable truths about Trump—his incompetence, recklessness, inciting an insurrection, his criminal activities, and his actions as an adjudicated rapist—are effectively erased from the collective conscience, particularly among Trump’s MAGA base."
July 3, 2024
The Anatomy Of A Smear: False Equivalency And Trump’s Decline
Brian looks at Biden's mental ability and his coping mechanisms for his stutter, compared Trump's erratic behavior and memory lapses raise concerns about his cognitive decline.
June 20, 2024
From the Darkness and Back Into It: How Steve Bannon May Disappear from American Life for Good
A combative and divisive approach has defined Bannon’s political career. Brian Daitzman writes that his time in the public eye appears to be drawing to a close, with prison looming and severe legal challenges on the horizon.
June 13, 2024
The Party of 'Law and Order' Is Led By A Convicted Felon
Brian Daitzman addresses the alarming divergence between the Republican Party's proclaimed commitment to law and order and their support for convicted felon Donald Trump.
June 6, 2024
The Great Reaction (1968-2024)
Brian Daitzman explores the rise of white-reactionary authoritarianism, political repression, economic inequality, and heightened racial tensions that characterized a transformative period in U.S. history.
May 30, 2024
Inequality in the United States: A Choice, Not Destiny
It's not your imagination. The deck is stacked in favor of the super-wealthy. Brian Daitzman explains why inequality continues to expand in the US and how tax policies under Trump advantaging the rich made them far richer at the expense of middle and lower income Americans.
May 23, 2024
The Deadly Equation: High Inequality and Gun Accessibility
From Brian Daitzman: "Economic inequality, gun accessibility, and gun violence are deeply intertwined in contemporary society. High inequality and easy access to firearms, whether legal or illegal, significantly contribute to gun violence."
May 16, 2024
Reimagined Representation
Brian Daitzman examines the urgent need for substantial reforms in American democracy.
May 9, 2024
The Pre-War Era: A New Global Conflict Awaits Its Catalyst
Brian Daitzman examines the tensions between democratic nations and authoritarian regimes, as the global landscape resembles the prelude to World War II. He writes, "These two opposing blocs—the new Axis and Allies— are poised on the brink of global conflict. The critical question remains: what will ignite this confrontation?"
May 2, 2024
Normalizing the Abnormal: How Trump Has Affected the Mental Health of the United States
What is the impact of Donald Trump's presidency on the mental health of the United States? Brian Daitzman delves into the psychological bond between Trump and his followers, the mental health diagnoses among QAnon followers, the mental distress caused by Trump's policies, and the societal consequences of divisive politics.
April 25, 2024
Part 3: The Story of Fox News: Fox News’s Viewer Radicalization and Exploitation
In Part 3 of his series on Fox, Brian Daitzman covers the alarming methods, such as DARVO, employed by the network to control narratives, sow division, and erode trust in democratic institutions.
April 17, 2024
Part 2: Fox News - Money Over Everything
Brian Daitzman writes, "Amidst a global health crisis, Fox News, under the leadership of Suzanne Scott, demonstrated a marked indifference to the human toll caused by its dissemination of misleading information."
April 12, 2024
Part 1: The Story of Fox News: The Love of Money Over Everything Else
Brian Daitzman writes of FOX, "The network’s consistent propagation of divisive narratives and misinformation, particularly concerning election integrity and public health guidelines, exemplifies a business model that prioritizes profit margins over accurate reporting and ethical journalism."
April 11, 2024
Chronicle of Recklessness: Donald J. Trump and the Jeopardization of U.S. National Security
Brian Daitzman writes, "Trump is infamous for his spontaneous outbursts of sensitive information. His reckless disclosure of classified intelligence to Russian officials in 2017 starkly highlighted his disregard for the protocols safeguarding national security secrets. This incident, among others, showcased a pattern of behavior that risked compromising the operational security of U.S. intelligence efforts and the lives of those involved."
April 4, 2024
The Kremlin's Savage Willful Blindness
How does Putin benefit from a horrific terrorist event in Russia? Brian Daitzman examines the aftermath of the Moscow concert hall attack, Putin's dismissiveness of U.S warnings, and his history of using tragedy for personal gain.
March 28, 2024
Manafort’s Return: “A Grave Counterintelligence Risk”
What were Paul Manafort's connections with Russian interests during the 2016 election interference again? Discover why those connections matter & the potential implications of his possible reunion with the GOP & Trump at the 2024 Republican National Convention, as examined by Brian Daitzman.
March 21, 2024
MAGA: The Cult of Trump—A Dangerous Merger of Violence and Religious Zeal
Brian Daitzman examines the dangerous cult-like MAGA movement, its links to violence, and messianic adulation of Trump drawing parallels to Jim Jones and his doomed following.
March 14, 2024
Trump 2.0: Domestic Turmoil and Global Chaos
Brian Daitzman paints a vivid presidential portrait of America and the world in the unstable, dark grip of a second Trump term.
March 7, 2024