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The Winners In The NH “Republican” Primary: Biden & America

Robert McElvaine writes, "The only way to rid our nation of the flesh-eating bacteria that is Trumpism is for its Loser Leader and the whole party of sycophants to go down to a crushing defeat at the hands of the voters."
Published:January 25, 2024

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By Robert S. McElvaine

There can be little doubt that the winners of the primary of the No-Longer-Party-of-Lincoln in New Hampshire are President Biden, the still-Democratic-Party, the American people, the survival of democracy, the Free World, and the Future.

The losers are Donald Trump, the Party-that-no-Longer-Believes-in-a republican-form-of- government, the rightwing extremists who have seized control of the once Grand Old Party, authoritarianism, Putin, Xi, Kim, et. al., and restoring the worst of our nation’s past.

Yes, Trump “won,” but he lost badly among independents, many of those beyond the people firmly in the cult who still support him appear to be less enthusiastic about him, Nikki Haley did well enough to stay in the race for at least a month until her home state primary, which she is almost sure to lose. There’s almost no chance that she will be the nominee (unless Trump withdraws after a court conviction or is taken off in a straitjacket by men in white coats, or something similar).

Haley is finally pointing out some of the obvious truths about Trump and is mental degeneration. She will, presumably, sharpen those attacks in coming weeks and, as a Republican, will be able to do that on rightwing television networks, bringing facts to the audiences and perhaps giving them pause.

The more Haley goes on the offensive against Trump, the better.

Then there’s the wannabe dictator’s tightening grip on “Republican” officeholders, their open embrace of authoritarianism, hate, misogyny, and overwhelmingly unpopular positions on many major issues. As they pathetically prostrate themselves before him, effectively saying, Oh, Dear Leader—Führer—tell us what we should think; we cannot think for ourselves! We submit to you completely, they show voters how utterly unfit they are for positions of trust and importance.

Almost everyone still in the “Republican” party has gripped tightly on to a heavy anchor.

The only way to rid our nation of the flesh-eating bacteria that is Trumpism is for its Loser Leader and the whole party of sycophants to go down to a crushing defeat at the hands of the voters.

We all need to work around the clock between now and November 5th to assure that we have a landslide for democracy.There can be little doubt that the winners of the primary of the No-Longer-Party-of-Lincoln in New Hampshire are President Biden, the still-Democratic-Party, the American people, the survival of democracy, the Free World, and the Future.

The losers are Donald Trump, the Party-that-no-Longer-Believes-in-a republican-form-of- government, the rightwing extremists who have seized control of the once Grand Old Party, authoritarianism, Putin, Xi, Kim, et. al., and restoring the worst of our nation’s past.

Yes, Trump “won,” but he lost badly among independents, many of those beyond the people firmly in the cult who still support him appear to be less enthusiastic about him, Nikki Haley did well enough to stay in the race for at least a month until her home state primary, which she is almost sure to lose. There’s almost no chance that she will be the nominee (unless Trump withdraws after a court conviction or is taken off in a straitjacket by men in white coats, or something similar).

Haley is finally pointing out some of the obvious truths about Trump and is mental degeneration. She will, presumably, sharpen those attacks in coming weeks and, as a Republican, will be able to do that on rightwing television networks, bringing facts to the audiences and perhaps giving them pause.

The more Haley goes on the offensive against Trump, the better.

Then there’s the wannabe dictator’s tightening grip on “Republican” officeholders, their open embrace of authoritarianism, hate, misogyny, and overwhelmingly unpopular positions on many major issues. As they pathetically prostrate themselves before him, effectively saying, Oh, Dear Leader—Führer—tell us what we should think; we cannot think for ourselves! We submit to you completely, they show voters how utterly unfit they are for positions of trust and importance.

Almost everyone still in the “Republican” party has gripped tightly on to a heavy anchor.

The only way to rid our nation of the flesh-eating bacteria that is Trumpism is for its Loser Leader and the whole party of sycophants to go down to a crushing defeat at the hands of the voters.

We all need to work around the clock between now and November 5th to assure that we have a landslide for democracy.
