Resolute Square

99 Days And A Century Ahead

A special guest memo from Rick Wilson this week. Rick writes, "The next 99 days will decide if my granddaughter's future demands engagement, involvement, and commitment to the idea of America or merely requires obedience to authority and a tolerance for autocracy."
Published:August 2, 2024

Nine years ago, almost to the day, I declared my opposition to Donald Trump. It didn’t feel like an act of bravery, heroism, or deep principle. It just felt…right. He was crude. He was a vile human being. He was flirting even before his candidacy with a portfolio of toxic racial and authoritarian tools. I’m smart enough to know a decent moral decision when I make one — which isn’t always in my life, by the way — and I knew it was right.

*To read on, please visit Rick's outstanding Substack newsletter.
